Conjunctivitis (Netrabhishyandam)

Conjunctivitis is affecting a large number of people globally: 59% of rural residents and 34% of urban residents. Conjunctivitis is contagious because being in contact with an infected person can spread the disease There are a couple of Ayurvedic remedies, therapies, and treatments.


Conjunctivitis can be an  inflammation, bacterial infection, or an allergy to the eyes. The small blood vessels of the conjunctiva become enlarged, which results that the sclera becomes red or pink. This eye infection is also called pink eye or red eye that can cause vision loss.

According to Ayurveda, this condition is also known as Netrabhishyandam, which means inflammation of the eye caused by vitiation of Pitta and Kapha doshas. 

When the Kapha dosha gets aggravated in eyes it vitiates Pitta dosha and causes redness, watery secretions, and swelling in the eye as Conjunctivitis


  • pain, burning and itchiness in the eye(s)

  • puffiness around the eyeballs and eye lining

  • pink or redness in the eyes

  • swelling of the conjunctiva

  • watering in the eyes

  • sticking or matting of eyelids

  • blurred vision

  • insensitivity to the light

  • a mild fever

  • headache

  • difficulty in keeping the eyes open for long


  • allergies

  • viruses

  • bacteria

  • A chemical splash in the eyes

  • blocked tear ducts in the eyes of newborns

Ayurvedic remedies for Conjunctivitis

Ayurveda has remedies that support bodies in repelling Conjunctivitis.

  • Triphala Churna

    Washing eyes with cold Triphala decoction twice in a day helps reducing the eyes’ swelling and provides relief to the eyes:

  1. Soak half a teaspoon of Triphala in a glass of water for 6-7 hours or overnight.

  2. Filter it with layers of cheesecloth and use it for eye washes.

  • Turmeric Powder

                      Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory effects. 

  1. Mix some turmeric powder with a little amount of clean water. Dip a small and clean piece of cotton cloth in it and squeeze the liquid out.

  2. Use this cloth to wipe the affected area of the eye(s) to reduce the infection and puffiness of the eye..

  3. Repeat the method till the infection and swelling is completely dissipated.

  • Neem Leaves

Making a paste of neem leaves and applying it externally over the eyelids will help to reduce the pain of the eye.

  • Coriander Seeds

  1. Steep a teaspoon of coriander seeds in one cup of water for 15 to 20 minutes.

  2. Let the solution cool down.

  3. Strain the solution well, and apply the solution on the eyelids 

  • Lemon juice

           Having a glass of lemon juice early in the morning helps to reduce the infection.

Ayurvedic Formulations:

  • Triphala Kwatham

  • Amalaki Capsules

  • Histantin 

  • Netramritam drops

Yoga and Pranayama for Conjunctivitis

Yoga and Pranayama strengthen the muscles and relieve the tension in the eyes. 

  1. Eye exercises

    Movement of eyeballs is really helpful to strengthen the eye muscles.

  2. Drishti Nasika:

    Take a comfortable seat and raise your left arm, keeping it straight until it reaches the level of your eyes. Now make a fist, keep the thumb out. Look at the tip of your thumb and slowly bring it closer until it reaches your nose. Slowly pull it back to the starting position and repeat the process. If your eyes are feeling tired, please blink and close your eyes, relax and repeat. Do not exert your eyes and force them to stay open. That can cause damage to the eyes.

  3. Palming: Rub the cup of your hands until the friction creates significant heat. Cup your hands, close your eyes, and gently place them on your eyes. Repeat the process at least five to ten times. Make sure that your hands are clean.

Diet and Lifestyle

Diet and lifestyle play a great role in treating health issues of a client and maintaining the health of a healthy person.


  • Try to have a diet rich with protein.

  • Practice exercise that supports your body. Do not overexert yourself. 

  • Go to bed at the right time.

  • Stay Hydrated.

  • Incorporate ghee, milk, rock salt, honey, snake gourd, red rice, green gram, wheat, Triphala, carrots, and leafy vegetables.

  • Avoid sour food, dry meat, alcohol, curd, and fatty food.

  • Avoid consuming incompatible food items and overeating.

  • Seeds and dry fruits are rich sources of Vitamin E and protect you from free radicals and help you to be relieved of Conjunctivitis.

  • Yellow- Orange fruits and vegetables contain Vitamin A (Beta- Carotene) which is great for the eyes. Generally, it will improve the eyesight and help to convalesce from conjunctivitis.

  • Try to incorporate eggs if you can, because they are loaded with protein, zinc and antioxidants which can help remove the infections of the eyes. 


  • Maintain personal hygiene and avoid coming in contact with infected people.

  • Protect yourself from ultraviolet rays.

  • Rest your eyes.

  • Wake up early and sleep on time.

  • If you can, massage gently on the soles. It is beneficial for general eye health.

  • Avoid hot head showers, daytime sleeping, staying up late, smoking, bath right after exercise, and any suppressions of natural urges.

Disclaimer: The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease.  If you want to use any recommendations given in this blog, seek a qualified practitioner. It is always suggested to check with your doctor before taking any herbs. All ayurvedic treatments are customised with detailed consultations and based on diverse individuals.


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