Shirodhara: harmonise your mind, body and soul

What is Shirodhara?

Shirodhara derives from two Sanskrit words, shiro (head) and dhara (flow). It is a form of treatment in which warm, herbal Ayurvedic oil is steamed over the client's forehead. Initially, the oil is streamed in dosha-specific patterns from the right to left temple. After several minutes, the stream is set to the middle of the forehead (third eye) where it flows continuously for the rest of the duration of  treatment. Shirodhara is said to have relaxing, soothing, and calming effects on the body and mind. It is  effective in conditions of high vata and pitta, especially with the mind and nervous system, such as busy mind, lack of  concentration, anxiety, stress, insomnia and running mind.

How does the session proceed?

Session will start with pulse diagnosis and a mild massage on specific marma points based on the client’s need.  Shirodhara treatment may invoke such a powerful relaxation response that balances the various aspects of mind.

What to expect?

”According to Ayurveda, stress is a state of imbalance in prana vayu, sadhaka pitta and tarpaka kapha. Shirodhara restores the functional integrity between these three dosha subtypes and thus helps relieve stress.”

Shirodhara stimulates and soothes the hypothalamus, thereby regulating the functions of the pituitary gland, such as  high vata, anxiety, headache, hypertension, insomnia, depression, stress, and much more. Out of balance Pitta dosha manifests in anger, irritability, powerlessness, self-blame. 

Shirodhara is most effective when done in a series of treatments. Frequency depends on the needs of the client’s requirements.

How to prepare for the therapy session?

Shirodhara balances and calms the Vata and Pitta dosha. It clears the prana vaha srotas, awakens the ajna chakra via releasing the old memories. It is always suggested to avoid loud music, large crowds, electronics for at least 3 hours after your treatment. Avoid unnecessary stress after the treatment.

Eat something light before the session . Shirodhara has an effect on the digestive system and a full stomach is not recommended.

After the treatment, hairs will get oily and it is advised to leave the oil overnight. cover your head with a scarf if the weather is cold and windy.

Dress up appropriately, wear old clothes as it can stain your clothes. While washing the hairs apply shampoo first before wetting the hairs. Sometimes it needs to wash twice to remove the oil completely.

What are the benefits of Shirodhara?

Shirodhara has so many benefits on mind and body. This treatment is good to calm the busy mind, stress, poor concentration, chronic headaches, depression, hypertension, facial paralysis, and degenerative condition of the brain. Oil penetrates deep into hair follicles and treats hair problems.  

How much duration is required for this process?

30 min for therapy, depends on case to case

Is there anything to inform your practitioner before therapy?

  • Third trimester of pregnancy

  • Active rash/ sunburn on forehead or scalp

  • Any recent hair treatment

  • Brain tumour

  • Recent neck injury

  • fever/chills

  • Vomiting

  • Weakness, Seizures, spontaneous sweating

  • Any other allergies with Oil

What are the instructions for clients?

  • It is recommended to maintain a gap of  one hour between therapy and food.

  • Avoid getting involved in unnecessary stress work, keep in mind that you need extra rest after the therapy.

  • Eat light, cooked food such as Khichdi, vegetable soup and avoid cold items.

  • Avoid caffeine for a few days, try fresh fruit juice and herbal caffeine free teas.

  • Incorporate cooked vegetables, and fresh fruits in your diet.

  • Avoid Alcohol, refined flour, nightshades for few days

  • Set your good schedule with wake up and sleep time

  • Incorporate meditation, pranayama are best cleanser for mind and body