Nasya - Nourishing Consciousness


According to Ayurveda, Nasya is considered as the doorway to the head. Nasya karma addresses all the issues above the collarbone such as sinus, anxiety, allergies, frequent cold and headaches.

How is Nasya Karma administered?

Nasya Karma is administered through the nostrils (Shringhataka Marma) with medicated oils or drugs which strengthen, removing stagnation and clarity.

What is the rationale behind Nasya Karma?

Olfactory center is located in the temporal lobe of the brain. The filaments of the first cranial nerve, Olfactory nerve arise from the upper parts of the nasal mucosa, from where the minute fibrils pass to meet with the fibres from the olfactory bulb. This nerve passes the cribriform plate present over here and joins the olfactory centee in the temporal lobe of the brain.

The numerous capillaries embedded in the nasal mucosa absorb the medicinal principles administered through Nasya and produce various kinds of local and systemic effects by mechanical and chemical reactions. The discharge secreted contains the blocking materials and are evacuated through the nasal route.

Is there anything to inform your practitioner before therapy?

  • Third trimester of pregnancy

  • Active rash/ sunburn on forehead or scalp

  • Any recent hair treatment

  • Brain tumor(s)

  • Recent neck injury

  • fever/chills

  • Vomiting

  • Weakness, Seizures, spontaneous sweating

  • Any other allergies with Oil

What are the instructions for clients?

  • Maintain a gap of at least 60 min between Nasya karma and food  

  • If you do neti pot, make sure to maintain a 30 min gap.

  • Avoid anger, laughing for some time after the therapy

  • Avoid swallowing of aushadhi and do gargling to clean the excess sputum if needed

  • It is always better to have lukewarm water and light food.

  • Avoid getting involved in unnecessary stress work, keep in mind that you need extra rest after the therapy.

  • Eat light, cooked food such as Khichdi, vegetable soup and avoid cold items.

  • Avoid caffeine for a few days, try fresh fruit juice and herbal caffeine free teas.

  • Incorporate cooked vegetables, and fresh fruits in your diet.

  • Avoid Alcohol, refined flour, nightshades for few days

  • Set your good schedule with wake up and sleep time

  • Incorporate meditation, pranayama in daily routine as they are the best cleansers for mind and body