

Marma points are the energy points which are used for healing in ancient science called Ayurveda. The word “marma” means vulnerable points. Marma therapy has a healing and relaxing effect on subtle energy of marma points to relieve stiffness, boosts blood circulation.

What to expect during Marma treatment?

Therapy will begin with pulse diagnosis and followed with the Abhyanga massage to relax the body with herb infused medicated oils.  A very Gentle or deep pressure with medicated oils on the body is done on specific marma points. This therapy removes blockages and provides physical and psychological strength. 

Marma sessions will perform on a massage table with the client undressed at their level of comfort and draped completely. Client is advised to just relax and focus on your breath. It is always suggested to avoid rigorous activities.

How is Marma Therapy beneficial for you?

Marma therapy has an immediate healing, rejuvenating, and relaxing effect on the body when used as a treatment for others or as a self-treatment. Marma therapy has a significant role in improvement in immunity, digestive, respiratory, neural, and psychological functions. It releases serotonin, melatonin to improve cognitive function. 

 What are the instructions for clients?

  • It is recommended to maintain a gap of  one hour between Abhyanga and food.

  • Avoid getting involved in unnecessary stress work, keep in mind that you need extra rest after the therapy.

  • Eat light, cooked food such as Khichdi, vegetable soup and avoid cold items.

  • Avoid caffeine for a few days, try fresh fruit juice and herbal caffeine free teas.

  • Incorporate cooked vegetables, and fresh fruits in your diet.

  • Avoid Alcohol, refined flour, nightshades for few days 

  • Set your good schedule with wake up and sleep time

  • Incorporate meditation, pranayama are best cleanser for mind and body