The sinuses are hollow air filled spaces in the skull. These are located behind the forehead, cheeks, nasal bones and eyes. Sinuses produce and circulate mucus, and are connected with the nasal passages. Sinuses are exposed to allergens, viruses, fungi, and bacteria, which leads to inflammation, congestion, excess mucus, swelling around the cheeks, nose or forehead.
There are 4 pairs of sinus cavities:
2 frontal sinuses: Pain or pressure above eyes, headache is noticed at forehead.
2 sphenoid sinuses: pain or between the eyes
2 ethmoid sinuses: pain or pressure behind the eyes, over the mastoid process
2 maxillary sinuses: pain or pressure under your eyes and behind your cheeks
This respiratory ailment is mainly triggered by a cold environment and bacterial infection. The lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed, swollen. Which interferes with drainage, builds mucus, congestion, pressure and pain around the sinuses. In Ayurveda, Sinusitis is known as Pinasa.
Types of Sinusitis
Acute Sinusitis: Acute sinusitis typically lasts 4 weeks or less and it could be triggered by a cold, bacterial infections or seasonal allergy.
Chronic Sinusitis: Chronic sinusitis lasts for a long time with symptoms lasting 8 weeks or longer. Infection, allergy, mucus, and inflammation can cause chronic sinusitis.
Recurrent Sinusitis: Recurrent sinusitis can take place several times a year. Asthma, infection, or allergies are the underlying cause. Once the infection of acute sinusitis gets converted into a chronic infection, the person is more likely to develop sinusitis more than once.
Causes of Sinusitis
Sinusitis is caused due to aggravated Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha. When Kapha dosha vitiate, it accumulates in the sinuses, blocks the srotas and stops the flow of Vata dosha.
Impaired Pitta causes inflammation, irritation , and swelling in the tissues of sinuses.
Common cold, allergies (pollens, dust, mold), deviated septum
Growth in the nasal cavity, nasal polyps
Incompatible food combinations
Exposure to cold, dusty, and dry weather
Ratri Jagrana and Diwa Swapna
Weak Immune system
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Since sinuses are blocked, difficult breathing and headache
Nasal congestion
Bad breath (Halitosis)
Puffy face, cheeks and eyes
Lethargy, Fatigue
Distorted sense of smell (Anosmia)
Throat irritation
Cough, thick mucus discharge
Ayurvedic Chikitsa
According to ayurveda, sinusitis can be correlated to Dushta Pratishyaya, where the primarily vitiated dosha is kapha. It gets aggravated and blocks the prana vata to flow, which is mainly present in the respiratory tract.
The ayurvedic approach to sinusitis chikitsa is multifaceted and can involve a combination processes through procedures, oral herbal formulations, dietary and lifestyle modifications. The ayurvedic procedures for sinusitis include:
Steam Inhalation- Steam inhalation helps to decongest the accumulated phlegm. Turmeric and Tulsi can be added in the water to enhance the results. Duration depends on an individual condition.
Nasya (Shiro Virechana)- This is one of the five therapies among the panchakarma. In this therapy an individual is suggested to instil the herb infused oil which has the quality to expel the accumulated mucus which stops vata to flow. This improves the flow of oxygen. Anu Tailam and Shadbindu are most likely preferred to use but it may vary based on the individual’s condition.
Head massage, and medicated steam inhalation is applied to the head and face prior to this treatment. It is often given before or after the main detox therapy.
Dally nasya administration of anu thailam as a daily regimen is effective in prevention of frequent attacks of Pratishaya.
Jala Neti- It is advised to practise daily or every other day to keep the sinuses clean and clear. Fill a neti pot with sterilised clean water and sea salt. Taste and warmth of the water matches with the tears. Position the neti pot such that the spout is in one of the nostrils. Breathe through your mouth and tilt your head till the water starts flowing from one nostril to the other. Once the pot has been emptied, repeat the process with another nostril.
Dhumapana- The nasal passage can be cleared and reduce the Kapha with Haridra dhumapana.
Diet and Lifestyle
Incorporate light, easy, digestible foods. Include wholesome and cooked vegetables.
Add warm spices like ginger, turmeric, blackpepper, Tulsi, fenugreek, cumin seeds in your meals.
Avoid kapha aggravating heavy, oily, sweets, dairy, processed, white flour, and refined sugar.
Limit raw salads, caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, ice creams
Drink warm water in an adequate quantity, it will help to loosen up the mucus which clears the sinus passages.
Avoid smoking
Sleep by 10 pm and wake up before sunrise, avoid day time sleep unless you are a kid, old, and feeling sick.
Favour small beans such as green mung beans, yellow mung, masoor etc.,
Avoid cold showers, frequent head showers and apply a pinch of rasnadi churna at bregma right after bath.
Yoga Practice
There are so many effective yoga asanas and pranayamas which help to get relief from sinusitis.
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Salabhasana ()
Matsyasana (Fish pose)
Anuloma Viloma
Marma Therapy
Phana Marma
Herbal Protocol
Varnadi Kwatham Tablet KV
Dasamoolakatutrayam Kwatham Tablet VK
Dasamoolarishtam V
Haridrakhandam Tridoshic
Vyoshadi Vatakam VK
Vasakadyarishtam PK
Dasamoola Rasayana VK
Lakshmi Vilas Ras VPK
Anu Tailam Trisdohic
Karpooradi Thailam V
Rasnadi Churnam VK
Disclaimer: The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you want to use any of your health concerns, seek a qualified practitioner. It is always suggested to check with your doctor before taking any herbs. All ayurvedic treatments are customised with detailed consultation and based on individual